wcSYNC Product Page Information

Precision Reporting for Safer Workplaces.

Our Data Reporting Service

Elevating Work Comp Management with Data Reporting.

Farragut is best in the world at Work Comp Data Reporting and we have been in this space for over 25 years working with Data Collection Organizations, Independent Rating Bureaus, and Insurance Carriers reporting WCPOLS and WCSTAT data.

What can wcSYNC do for you

  • Automate your NCCI and Independent Bureau Data Reporting
  • Unit Statistical Reporting, Policy Reporting, Indemnity and Medical Data Calls Reporting
  • Need help with Data Reporting? – wcSYNC features the ability to reach out directly to the LGC experts on difficult tasks
  • System updates – frequent technology updates to keep the product current from a security
    standpoint and compliant to the latest industry reporting changes

We are excited to have partnered with Long Group Consultants (LGC)

LGC is a trusted provider. Farragut serves as the technology provider and together we created an innovative work comp data reporting product called wcSYNC, aimed at addressing the complexities and costs of workers’ compensation statistical reporting.

Schedule a wcSYNC demo today.

Farragut and LGC are helping carriers ease the burden of data reporting.  We encourage you to connect with us or visit the LGC website to learn more about the benefits of wcSYNC and schedule a demo to explore what this product can do for your data reporting needs.

Innovation to accelerate business success.

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Business Planning, Strategy & Execution

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Financial Projections And Analysis

Litora sed nulla faucibus platea per finibus maecenas urna rutrum at imperdiet fringilla.

International Business Opportunities

Litora sed nulla faucibus platea per finibus maecenas urna rutrum at imperdiet fringilla.

Interested in more information?

If you’re interested in learning more about your specific needs and how we can help you with workers’ compensation, we are here for you.

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Curabitur quis porttitor augue, et posuere ligula. Nunc sagittis vestibulum


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421 Hill Croft Farm Road



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